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RE: Answers to review questions in "Beginning XSLT": Chapter 9

2003-03-20 11:03:05
Hi Jeni, and by the way thanks for your response to ch. 8.

The sorting in document order of those elements that have the same
sort key is guaranteed.

OK.  Good to know.

6. What two ways can you use to generate a number giving the position
   of a node within the source tree?

position() and <xsl:number>.

position() will only work if you're processing the nodes in document
order. Can you think of another way that will work even if you're
processing the nodes in a different order?

How about <xsl:value-of select="count(preceding-sibling::Myname) + 1" />
where Myname is the name of this element.  And if you wanted position
regardless of level, change the axis to preceding::.

(Side note: out of curiosity,
I tried adding in a fourth format using Unicode Khmer digit one,
&#x17E1;. XSLT Programmer's Reference says any Unicode digit one
should work. Saxon processed it properly, generating &#6115; (Khmer
digit three) for the third item; but IE/MSXML didn't seem to
recognize &#x17E1 as a digit.)

Hmm... I think that MSXML is non-conformant in that case. The XSLT
spec says:

 "Any token where the last character has a decimal digit value of 1
  (as specified in the Unicode character property database)...
  generates a decimal representation of the number..."

KHMER DIGIT ONE (#x17E1) has a decimal digit value of 1 in the Unicode
character property database, so it should be recognised.

For the format "&lt;&#x17E1;&gt;", MSXML generated
"&lt;&#x17E1;&gt;3&lt;&#x17E1;&gt;", i.e. apparently treating the
&#x17E1; as part of a punctuation token, and putting the whole
formatting string before and after the number 3.

I tried this with MSXSL on the command-line as well as in IE,
with the same result.

It would be nice if IE would let you specify whatever
external XSL processor you wanted to run... I would like to run
Saxon by default.


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