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RE: include css in xsl

2003-03-19 09:57:42
The browser is IE 6.0 sp1 and it shows all web-pages (the ones i visit
properly). I also see this problem with netscape 7.02. I checked my
stylesheet at http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/csscheck/.

I think the path is a problem.
I got
--- classes
--- lib
--- xslt
    --- the xsl
--- css
    --- the css
Any ideas. I realize that this is not a xsl question per se 
but I would
appreciate help.

You need to include the path to the css file from the location of the
___html output file___.  The browser knows nothing about how you
generated the html file.  Either the css file path has to be absolute,
or it has to be relative to the html file that is being viewed.  

Then, of course, the css file has to be valid css.

You should first create an simple html file by hand that displays the
way you want, including using the css stylesheet correctly.  Then you
can learn to duplicate it using xslt.  Then you can add in all the other
content you want to have.


Tom P

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list