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RE: xsl:variable and creating conditional select

2003-03-18 03:43:30
<xsl:if test= "substring-after(.,' ')=''">
              <xsl:variable name="nextparent"
<xsl:if test= "substring-after(.,' ')!=''">
       <xsl:variable name="nextparent" 
'),' ',$ROOT)"/>

I know this won't work as the variables go out of scope.
However, I can't figure out how to set the expression in the 
select of the
xsl:variable to give me the required results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you want the nextparent variable to contain a node that you can use in a 
step, it's not as simple. However, if you just want the value of the 
CategoryOfGroupParent attribute, then

variable nextparent
    when string-length(substring-after(., ' ')) = 0
      valua-of parent::GROUP/@CategoryOrGroupParent
      value-of concat(substring-after(.,' '), ' ', $ROOT)

Ah, seems that you just want a string value based on the second condition 
result. Hope you can read the pseudo-code above,


Jarno - Aiboforcen: The Shepherd's Deathline (Flesh Field remix)

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