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RE: Cold Fusion

2003-03-14 07:31:46
(1) Make sure the template for the CFINCLUDE exists.
(2) Make sure the included CFM file is correct, e.g. that CFM file won't cause 
any error.
(3) Make sure the URL for CFLOCATION is valid.
(4) Make sure that file is also correct.
(5) What kind of the CF error you got? By reading that error message carefully 
you may figure out 85% of the errors.


cstamat(_at_)cap(_dot_)org 03/13/03 05:41PM >>>
I'm attempting to render a cold fusion file - yet when I place the following
code before and after the <html> tags, I get a validation error.

<!--- <CFIF IsDefined("URL.sys")> --->
<CFIF IsDefined("Cookie.ChocolateChip")>
        <cfinclude template="/CheckLogin.cfm">  
 <!--- <CFIF #Cookie.ChocolateChip# IS #URL.sys#> --->

        <cflocation url="../../../register.cfm">

------- Christine Stamatis

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