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Re: collapsable / expandable tree in XSL

2003-03-11 09:51:56
Hi Jarno,

I agree with you: The XSLT engine in the browser is perfectly correct.

I went through the archive mails on "disable-output-escaping" and the majority 
of posts deal with how to insert html abreviations like <,  ' instead 
of < , '. So I tried different ways:
    =>  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> <![CDATA[ <div 
id="CollapseMenu0Block2"> ]]>  </xsl:text> )
    =>  using <xsl:output method="text"/> or  <xsl:output method="html"/> at 
the begining of the stylesheet
    =>  <processing-instruction name="html"> <![CDATA[ <div 
id="CollapseMenu0Block2"> ]]> </processing-instruction>

but the browser still prints the tag instead of generating an node tree and 
processing it (simple ex. 
http://www.idiap.ch/~guillemo/JAVASCRIPT/dynapi/docs/examples/TEST.xml against 

Any idea is welcome, thanks a lot,


Jarno(_dot_)Elovirta(_at_)nokia(_dot_)com wrote:


The problem is one <DIV> tag which does not end. I use <xsl:value-of
select="$div0"/> where div0  is &lt;div
id="CollapseMenu0Block0"&gt; But

the browser prints it instead of process it. The author of the

The XSLT engine in the browser is perfectly correct in not creating an 
element node, because what you're asking is a text. See the XSLT FAQ on 
disable-output-escapeing and rewrite the stylesheet to generate a *node tree* 
instead of text that is start end end tags.


Jarno - Velvet Acid Christ: Malfunction (Destructive mix by Funker Vogt)

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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