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how to select elements based on their children's names?

2003-03-10 12:46:10

  if i want to select all elements that have at least one, say,
"book" child element, it seems i can do it this way:

  //*[name(child::*) = "book"]          long way
  //*[name(*) = "book"]                 shorter way

1) is this the easiest way to do it?

2) why doesn't the following work as well?

  //*[name(node()) = "book"]

from what i read, the "*" node test matches elements, while the 
"node()" test should match all elements, as well as comments and
processing instructions.  certainly, it seems that node() should
work as well as *.

or am i misinterpreting something?


p.s.  i'm sure my questions will get more challenging over time.

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