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Re: trying to create a node-set of attribute nodes

2003-03-10 10:26:32
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Jeni Tennison wrote:

Hi Robert,

  eg., if i wanted all attribute nodes with name "key", that's


but what if i want attr nodes where key is specifically equal to
"F"? i'm assuming that requires a predicate, but i've tested several
variations and none work. how do i ask if the string-value is equal
to "F"?

Get the string value of the context node (the attribute) with the
string() function:

  //@key[string(.) = "F"]

or just use . and let the processor do the conversion of the attribute
node to a string implicitly:

  //@key[. = "F"]

ah, this seems to explain something else i was looking at.  if i
have the path

  //element[(_at_)attr = "value"]

this will obviously select all "element"s with attribute "attr" whose
value is "value".  if i were to write that out the long way, i would

  //element[string(@attr) = "value"]

is that right?  that is, using an attribute in a string context
forces it to be converted into its "string-value" value.  ok, 
things are starting to make more sense.


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