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Re: Problem with handling processing instructions

2003-03-07 03:03:17
Hi Jon,

I'm using xmetal which has track changes processing instructions.
Here's an example:

<?xm-deletion_mark author="davej" time="20030306T111203-0800"
data="Internal: Writing"?> <?xm-insertion_mark_start author="davej"
time="20030306T111203-0800"?>This is a change

I've written this xslt template to process deletion marks:

<xsl:template match="processing-instruction('xm-deletion_mark')">
  <fo:block color="red">
    **** deleted item

But the template is ignored when I run the MSXML xslt parser. Can
anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? or if this is possible?

Assuming that you're using <xsl:apply-templates> with no mode to
process the content of the PI's parent, then what you have should
work. Have you tried it with other processors?

Note that the <xsl:apply-templates> in your template won't have any
effect because PIs don't have any children. Perhaps you just wanted to
do <xsl:value-of select="." />.



Jeni Tennison

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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