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Re: jfor doesn't work under linux

2003-05-27 13:19:56
Ich finally managed to setup jfor to be used by a
servlet running in Jboss 
3(_dot_)0(_dot_)6(_at_)Tomcat 4.18,
under windows everything is fine. But if try to
a XSL:Fo in to RTF, 
while Jboss runs
on Suse linux 8.1, I get this:

22:27:09,017 ERROR [STDERR] jfor.INFO:jfor V0.7.1 -
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)

Where for do I need a XServer to convert A XSL:FO??
Perhabs for external-graphics?
And how can I fix that problem? I have really no idea
how do it.

This wont fix your problem but it might give you an
idea of where to look for an answer. Java image stuff
uses X windows libraries to create images (and since
fo: does image type stuff I would assume pdf too). 

A quick answer could be to install X. You dont have to
have X running - you just need the libs I believe.
However, if memory serves, there are other libraries
you can download in place of the X libraries - you
might try looking on sun's web site.

Sorry that is not much help but I hope it helps a
little at least.


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