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RE: XSLT 2.0 and external parameters: a string -> xsd:integer. How?

2003-05-20 12:53:34

I guess this is another angle on the typing questions that have been 
floating around the list recently.

Code that worked with Saxon 7.4 (and that I think would work 
in XSLT 1.0) 
is now broken with Saxon 7.5.

How can I supply an external parameter to a Saxon 7.5 
stylesheet which is 
$number and has an integer value and get the XSLT processor 
to treat it as 
an xsd:integer. Well, I don't particularly want the parameter to be 
xsd:integer but I assume I won't be able to do anything 
numeric with it, 
unless I make it explicitly numeric.

If you are passing parameters from a JAXP application, you can pass a
Java Integer.

If you want to do it from the command line, you can only pass strings;
you will have to convert the string to an integer within your own code
(this is exactly the same as writing a Java application that reads
arguments from the command line - they arrive as strings).

If I try to ignore types altogether Saxon 7.5 complains, not 
that it cannot compare xsd:string to xsd:integer. If there is 
a way to 
write a type-agnostic stylesheet to accept a parameter that 
is intended to 
be numeric it isn't obvious to me at the moment.


<xsl:param name="p" as="xs:string"/>
<xsl:variable name="p-as-int" as="xs:integer" select="xs:integer($p)"/>

So I made the input parameter xsd:string and created a new numeric 
parameter using the xsd:integer() constructor function. Same 
error message.

Then I tried making the input parameter xdt:untypedAtomic with the 
xsd:integer() constructor function to create the second 
parameter.  Same 
error message.

Then I tried adding an as="xsd:integer". Same error message.

I'm afraid it's difficult to tell from this description exactly what you
did, and exactly what messages you got.

The Saxon 7.5 documentation indicates that "most" such functions are 
supported. Is this one unsupported or am I missing a basic 
trick somewhere?

I think you missed a trick somewhere, but from the description I can't
tell where.

Michael Kay

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