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RE: Unescaping < and >

2003-06-25 02:52:15

Is there any way of unescaping a "<" and ">" from a 
text() element. 
I'd like to
re-inject what is supposed to be xml, but is provided instead 
as escaped text within document elements.

I'm betting this poor soul has had to work with xml (RSS) produced from
Radio Userland or another 'major' blogging tool. Excuse the sarcasm but
I also have had to do so, if this is the case the escaped markup in that
case is escaped html and is not required to be well-formed, most tools
seem to just pass it through unquestioned, can't be done from an xsl-t
standpoint, I used tidy to turn the malformed escaped html to XHTML via
an extension function.

Saxon you can do this using the saxon:parse() extension function.

Maybe there should be an exsl:parse-string(), as was discussed here:
(hasn't been implemented, has it?), I say this because there is quite a
lot of tools out there from the blogging domain that use this crazy
strategy of handling markup. 

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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