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Pass XML to Stylesheet using DOM

2003-06-16 11:41:58
I am able to pass an XML Dom object to a stylesheet by means of a parameter.
But, I can't seem to get the content of the parameter into an
understandeable (parseable) XML format.  I can see that the parameter has
indeed been filled with good xml... but not sure how to then transform it
when in the stylesheet.

Here is what I have so far:

<xsl:param name="PxmEvent"/>
<xsl:variable name="xmEvent" select="ms:node-set($PxmEvent)"/>

I was thinking that the ms:node-set function would convert a parameter who's
content is text to a node set... but not working.  From ASP I am simply
doing this:

 set xmPrc = xmTmp.createprocessor
 xmPrc.input = xmDoc
 xmPrc.addParameter "PxmEvent",xmEvents.xml

Which does indeed pass the XML... but it seems it is passed as an unuseable
string format.
Any ideas?


 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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