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Re: XPath Data Model

2003-06-14 09:05:12
Fatih TURKMEN wrote:
In XPath Data model,
when an element has a namespace declaration, all
descendant element nodes have this namespace node as a
child. For example, if an element node has a namespace
declaration, and one of its element children(say
current to this node) also has a namespace
declaration, then current's element children have two
namespace children?

Namespace nodes, like attributes, are not "children" of elements. Namespace
nodes are not inherited by parent elements but are inherited by children, yes.
You should use an XPath visualization tool to understand the model better. I
have one, Dimitre has one, G. Ken Holman has one, XML SPY comes with one... as
do a lot of other XML editors.

Mine is just a stylesheet that generates plain text:

I also have one that generates HTML+CSS:

Ken's produces plain text in outline format:

For more featureful applications, do a Google search for XPath visualizer or
XPath visualization.

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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