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interesting? problem

2003-07-07 11:16:22
Can anyone help me over this problem i had with a stylesheet. suppose i have an 
xml like this:


what i want to find is a path node that contain i= 1 and t = 1 where i and t is 
in the same node (i.e. in the
same f node) so the result i want from the above xml is:

and i was wondering, is it possible to get the above with ONE query statement?
something like this:
ex. 1
<xsl:template match="xml">
<xml> <xsl:copy-of select="path[f/i = '1' and f/t = '1']"/>

obviously this doesn't work as this query will copy the first two path nodes.

i know this will work if i go down to the bottom level and do something like 
ex. 2
<xsl:template match="xml">
<xsl:for-each select="path">
        <xsl:for-each select ="f[i='1' and t='1']">
        <xsl:copy-of select="../."/>    

but i want to get the correct results without going down to the bottom level, so i was wondering, whether it is possible to query the node at the xml level (like ex. 1)
i hope this is not confusing and i really appreicate your time.

Thanks in advance


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