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Getting a NodeList from a NodeList

2003-07-01 09:16:27

I am using XSL and MSXML 4 to do some reports. I have a main body of XSL which 
selects from an XML tree all employees who belong to a particular department 
which is a list being looped over already. The current department value is 
stored in $deptName

select="mycomp:getFilteredEmployeeRecords(//employee[./@department = 

Here, I am passing the result of "all employees in the current department" to a 
MSXSL:SCRIPT function where I want to filter the node list even more and return 

Let's say I want a node list of all employees called John from the node list 
that I pass into the function to come out.

My problem is that nodeList is a DOMNodeList and does not have what I need to 
select another nodeList from it...i.e Node's selectNodes. All it has is the 
ability to get a node. 

I want to do something like

function getEmployeeRecords(nodeList) { 
return nodeList.selectNodes("/employee[(_at_)name='John']"); 

The problem is that nodeList is a list of EMPLOYEE nodes. 

How can I return a nodeList from my function which is all EMPLOYEE nodes in 
nodeList with name = John?

I have thought about sibling functions but I am not sure.

Allistair Crossley 
Senior Intranet Developer
QAS Ltd 
Direct Dial: 020 7819 5343 

QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
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 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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