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Re: exclude result prefixes doesn't stop prefix from showing up.

2003-08-22 11:39:27
Michael Kay wrote:

I simply want to control the prefixing so that its consistent throughout the document. I'm not trying to change the namespace. I'm trying to maintain the same namespace and prefixing across both the source and result documents.

OK, I understand it better now.

In theory, XSLT gives you no control over the prefix used by the
serializer in the result document. In practice, however, processors will
use the "original" prefix if they can. The cases where they have
difficulty doing this are (a) if you have used two different prefixes
for the same namespace (e.g. one in the stylesheet and one in the source
document - one might be the default prefix "") or (b) if you have used
two different namespaces with the same prefix (usually "").

Michael Kay

Yes, I've bounced of this issue, so from your description, it is the XML processor serializing the result tree that determines the prefix and not the XSLT Transformer? Is it also the case that the processor inserts the xmlns delarations? Or is this done in the generatation of the result tree by the Transformer? Couldn't a xsl transformer just be more restrictive about generating the namespace declarations in the result tree (via a more restrictive exclude-result-prefixes) or via some other feature?


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