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Re: include problem - solution

2003-08-18 06:42:41
The solution I used for this was to remake the xmlstring.
I have learned, through trial and error, to make my xml
more parsable for the xsl.

  <menudescribe>Return to the Home Page</menudescribe>

  <menudescribe>PHPro Forums</menudescribe>

  <menudescribe>All the news that is news</menudescribe>

  <menudescribe>Contact Us</menudescribe>
   <splash_name>splashname one</splash_name>
   <splash_text>splash text one</splash_text>


This allows me much better control with xsl

Kind regards

(_____ \                             
 _____) )  ____   ____   ____   ____ 
|  ____/  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
| |      ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ / 
|_|       \____) \_||_| \____) \____)
Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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