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constructing URI for document() function

2003-08-14 00:47:36

trying to work out how to 'construct' a URI for use in a document() call.

given an xml doc including something like..
<section id="5"?>

I want to, at an apprriate point in a stylesheet, say
<xsl:apply-templates select="document('http://abc.com/returnxmldoc.asp?id=' + @id)/info" />

where http://abc.com/returnxmldoc.asp returns an xml doc such as
<info>blah blah blah</info>
with info specific to query string paramater passed

I can create an attribute with the full URL, including parameters...
eg <section id="5" ref="http://abc.com/returnxmldoc.asp?id=5"; />

and then simply use...
<xsl:apply-templates select="document(@ref)/info" />

but constructing it just seems neater than having the same URL root embedded as an attribute on each <section> element.

Problem is that I can't find anything on how I should concatenate a literal string with appropriate attribute value(s) within, or to pass to, the document() function.

Any ideas?



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