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RE: Using copy to change a node, whilst retaining the attributes

2003-08-04 16:05:57

apply-templates requires a node set as the value of its select
attribute, but:

        <xsl:apply-template select="not(ancestor::player/@pword=$pmkey
and @ID &gt;= $from and @ID &lt;= $to)"

assuming the missing /> is really there at the end selects a boolean
value so either true() or false(0 this isn't a node set and should
generate a run time error whatever value is returned.

I think that inside the xsl:copy you want

 <xsl:when test="ancestor::player/@pword=$pmkey
                and @ID &gt;= $from and @ID &lt;= $to">
  <xsl:value-of select="$type"/>
<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>

don't you?


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