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RE: Excluding one particular attribute(namespace) when copying elements

2003-10-31 16:00:46

I need to copy different element to output. For all
the elements I need to exclude the namespace attribute
when i use "xsl:copy-of" or "xsl:copy". It seems
difficult to specify this in XSLT. Any comment would
be appreciated!

Firstly you need to understand that namespaces are not attributes in the
XSLT data model. Namespace declarations in the serialized output are
produced as representations of the namespace nodes in the result tree. 

Secondly, copy does a copy, not a "copy everything except X". You get
more control with xsl:copy than with xsl:copy-of, but copying an element
node still copies its name unchanged and its namespace nodes unchanged.

Thirdly, you don't say you want to drop a namespace that is actually
used, or whether you want to drop it because it is unused. The two
situations are very different. If you want to drop an unused namespace,
you can do it by using <xsl:element name="local-name()"
namespace="namespace-uri()"> in place of <xsl:copy>. If you want to drop
a namespace that is in use, then what you are really doing is changing
the name of the element (or its attributes). But again, you can do this
by using <xsl:element>, this time changing the value of the namespace
attribute to select the namespace that you want the new element to be
in. If you get the names of the elements and attributes right, the
namespace declarations in the output will usually look after themselves.

Michael Kay

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