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Re: parameter use in XPath

2003-10-24 06:57:18
On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Daniel Veillard wrote:

  haha, no libxslt implements only XSLT-1.0 + (most) EXSLT extensions
the name of the libxml2 library doesn't come from XPath2 or XSLT2 really :-)
The fact that it implements match="*[name()=$keyword]" is simply an oversight,
it doesn't change anything to my implementation which "forgot" to check
that restriction, it's a bug actually, sorry if this led to some confusion

Are you stating that "*[name()=$keyword]" worked for me as the value of
a match attribute of xsl:template, using libxslt, quite literally "by
accident" (i.e., because the processor doesn't check this constraint)?
If so, are there any side effects which may manifest as bugs elsewhere
in the stylesheet by taking this terse approach? Do you recommend
abandoning this approach?


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