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relatively new to XSL- variable setting question

2003-10-06 15:26:39
Happy monday,

  In my XSL template, I am selecting all DataRows, and then wanting to
output the value of ColData when it's colID='5'. No problem. But I want to
set the value of variable 'testVar' based upon whether or not the Datarow
has a colID='5'.

  I had hoped to set the variable default as '99999999', and then..
if the Datarow does contain a colID='5', set that same variable to equal
it's value instead.

With below code, I am getting..
  <input type="hidden" name="dateValue" value="optionA">
  -regardless if the DataRow has a colID='5' or not.
In other words, I am not getting the testVar value set within the
xsl:for-each tags. Which I guess is to be expected, from my reading, but I
can't see a workaround at this junction.

XSL code..............(simplified to focus on dateVar problem)
  <xsl:variable name="testVar" select="'optionA'"/>
  <xsl:for-each select="ColData">
    <xsl:if test="@colID='5'">
        <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>
      <xsl:variable name="testVar" select="'optionB'"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="varPass" value="{$testVar}"/>

XML input.............
<DataRow rowNumber="2">
  <ColData colID="2" value="2003-10-03" />
  <ColData colID="3" value="Bank One VISA (pay minimum)" />
  <ColData colID="4" value="-100.00" />
  <ColData colID="6" value="1010 &#183; Operating Account (new)" />
  <ColData colID="8" value="Bill Pmt -Check" />
  <ColData colID="9" value="3241-1064422268" />

thanks one and all,

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