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Re: Re: Re: Sibling in the Pattern(match)

2003-11-25 00:53:55


I'm sorry for the unindented XML files in my last

The following template can act like a filter since it
does nothing. The attribute "match" here indicate what
needs to be filtered out from the output.

<xsl:template match="*[preceding-sibling::Member[(_at_)name

Here I wanted to remove(filter out) the element
Member(name attribute is "acc12") and its children
from the output. It is the sibling of the element
Member(name attribute is "acc11").

I assume that the "Member[(_at_)name = 'acc1']/Member[(_at_)name
= 'acc11']" is the path of Member("acc11"). However,
the match only recognized the "Member[(_at_)name ='acc1'].
So, the siblings of it got removed from the output,
which are the Member("acc2") and Member("acc3").

My question is, can we specify the path in the pattern
like I did in the above template? If I want to remove
the Member("acc12") that is the sibling of a Member,
how can I specify in the match pattern?



Hope this time my source XML is an indented one.

  <Member comment="" name="acc1">
    <Member comment="" name="acc11">
      <Member name="account3_1"/></Member>
    <Member comment="" name="acc12">
      <Member name="acc121"/>
  <Member comment="" name="acc2">
  <Member comment="" name="acc3">
    <Member comment="" name="acc31">
    <Member comment="" name="acc32">


Dimitre Novatchev.
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