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Re: Does XSLT support schema validation

2003-11-20 18:36:03
At 08:16 PM 11/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
1. I have a java application that will be using XSLT, through the Java JAXP
We would like to make sure that both the input and output XMLs are in
aggreement to 2 respective schemas. Is it possible to do this using XSLT.
If possible are there any JAXP interfaces for this mechanism.

No, you don't do this using XSLT. You do it on the source document before it is processed by XSLT, and on the result document after. You can use JAXP, but how you use it will depend on the rest of your code.

2. While doing the above conversion, we would like to extract some
values from the input XML to a Java string variable. Similarly we would like to
insert some values contained within the Java variables to the produced
XML. Is this possible at all.

Yes, certainly. However, this again sounds like a JAXP issue that is independent of XSLT. You can use DOM, SAX, or whatever to retrieve values from the source document and insert values into the result document.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting
Using XML with Legacy Business Applications (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

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