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[xslt] How to handle errors using libxslt?

2003-11-17 01:52:25
Hello all,

I am using the example posted in the libxslt web page to transform an input XML file into HTML, my code is very simple:


    // parse XSL
    cur = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)xslFile_name);

    // parse XML
    doc = xmlParseFile(xmlFile_name);

    // apply XSL
    res = xsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, params);

    // display in stdout
    //xsltSaveResultToFile(stdout, res, cur);

    // saves formatted file to disk
    xmlSaveFile(formattedFile_name, res);

    // deallocate


If for example, the XML is validated against a schema that contains namespaces and into the XSL I delete the reference to that Namespace location, the file is transformed but erroneously and I get this error onto the console...
How can I catch the error in my code? How are managed erros in thei library?
THefucntions I call does not rerun an error code I can catch and manage!

Any help shall be appreciated


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