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RE: XSL-List Digest V4 #1774

2003-11-06 18:21:49

Try to restructure it so you select the subset using xsl:for-each.

Instead of 

<xsl:for-each select="x">
  <xsl:if test="c">


<xsl:for-each select="x[c]">

Excellent advice! Now that you mentioned it, it really looks simple! :) But
that's the role of an expert--to make it look simple. Got it working. It
wasn't as simple as the above because the XML document had a recursive
structure, thus I had to decide when to choose the node subset on other
checks (to avoid selecting a null node-set and get no output). However,
pointing me in the right direction made the whole difference.

<xsl:value-of select="name(element[.//*[conditions]][1])"/>

Can you explain more on this? Should "element" stay as such 
or be replaced with the real name of the element I'm looking 
for (which turns out to be "Sequence").

This was intended as pseudo-code. Substitute the right things for
"element" and "conditions".

I didn't need to do this any more. Solving the first problem gave a free
solution for this one too. Once I got the correct subset, I could make the
decision to output what I wanted based on the position info.

 Also, "conditions" 
need to contain an "xsl:for-each". Is that possible?

No, it's not possible, but are you really sure it is necessary?

I guess not, since I could solve it another way.

Many thanks, Michael, your help was very valuable!

Constantin Vasiliu

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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