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Re: How To Call XSL Template With Parameter From OnClick Event

2003-11-06 09:46:10
Hello all,

    I apologize if this has gone out twice, but apparently I had a
setting which caused an attachment to go through with the mail, so I am
resending.  I have a question regarding this recent post, and would
appreciate some clarification.  Here's the snippet that my questions
stem from:

                   <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                    <!-- //
                         function callDetail(item_no)
                              <xsl:call-template name="detail">
                                   <xsl:with-param name="item_input">
                    // End -->

At the point where the transformation takes place, the XSL processor has
no knowledge of the item_no variable, correct?  The transformation is
happening before any javascript is realized, so how is it the
transformation knows about this variable?  Is it simply passing
*something* along to the template to be used?  How can the value-of be
resolved?  Sorry for the confusion, but I am curious........


"Emmanuil Batsis (Manos)" wrote:

cknell(_at_)onebox(_dot_)com wrote:

Yes, it is possible with javascript, but there's no browser-agnostic

If you consider IE and Mozilla are the only browsers where the original
poster's task applies, Sarissa[1] sould do the trick as the
"browser-agnostic" solution ;-)

Beverly  will just have to use the Sarissa API to control the
transformation and obtain the result tree, then common DOM to inject the
it to the new window.

[1] http://sarissa.sourceforge.net/


Manos Batsis

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    / |/ /__ / /____ __ _ ___ _____/ /_
   /    / -_) __(_-</  ' Y _ `/ __/ __/
  /_/|_/\__/\__/___/_/_/_|_,_/_/  \__/

mbatsis at netsmart dot gr
(+30) 210 33 02 608
(+30) 210 33 02 658

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

Tom Mitchell,Jr.
Fathom Development Team
Progress Software
One Indian Head Plaza
Nashua, NH 03060
I close my eyes
And feel the water rise around me
Drown the beat of time
Let my senses fall away
I can see much clearer now,
I'm blind.
Find all you need in your mind
If you take the time.
                  -Dream Theater

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list