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Re: number different nodes

2003-12-02 14:53:06
Hi Markus,

At 04:18 PM 12/2/2003, you wrote:
I am having a trouble with numbering different childs from a node "form". I
tried but I found no possibility.
<xsl:number level="multiple" count="form|???form::child*???" />

Try count="form | form/*"

It will count the form elements and their direct children (but not their deeper descendants).

The XPath "form/*" is short for "child::form/child::*". As a pattern, it will match any child of a form (that itself is a child of something, which all of them are).



Wendell Piez                            
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                http://www.mulberrytech.com
17 West Jefferson Street                    Direct Phone: 301/315-9635
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  Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in SGML and XML

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