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Re: how do java xsl processors handle xsl:import?

2003-12-01 08:08:18

Robert Koberg wrote:


How do xsl processors handle xsl:import with regard to (don't really 
know how to say this) storing xsl:templates in a 
javax.xml.transform.Templates object?

For sake of example, say I want to xsl:import files that contain 100 
xsl:templates. The *importing* file overrides all 100 xsl:templates with 
new ones. [I want to cache the javax.xml.transform.Templates object in 
memory for a webapp]. Will the Templates object contain 200 
xsl:templates or does it discard the overriden ones?

Take a look at the setURIResolver[1] method on the TransformerFactory 
These method is called by the XSLT processor when an xsl:import
function in your XSLT is found.
Then, If you write your own URIResolver [2], you can load your xsl file in 
cache and give it to the XSLT Processor...

TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
factory.setURIResolver(new MyResolver(...));

class MyResolver implements URIResolver {
  public Source resolve(String href,String base) {
        // manage your cache and return a Source to the Processor

[2] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/xml/transform/URIResolver.html



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