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RE: XPath problem: Checking if imidiately preceding sibling is of a certain kind

2004-02-27 03:09:22
Hi again,

I have tried with:

<xsl:when test="not(preceding-sibling::*[1]=preceding-sibling::A[1])">
Last sibling was not an A element -
Last sibling was an A element -

Which I thought would have worked, but it does not. It works well enough on the first problem (grouping consecutive A elements), but on the A elements with attributs a="5" and a="7", it says that the last element was an A element (why?).

 <X><A a="1"/><A a="1"/><A a="2"/>Some text</X>
 <X><A a="4"/>Some text<br/>
       <A a="5"/>More text<br/>
       <A a="7"/>Even more text</X>

Ragulf Pickaxe :-|

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