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identifying the specific comments associated with an element

2004-03-25 19:10:18
I would like to process data that is in the following format.

     <!-- this is a comment about the first item -->
     <item name="itemName1">I1</item>

     <!-- this is a comment about the second item -->
     <!-- this is a follow on comment for 2nd item -->
     <item name="itemName2">I2</item>

     <!-- this is a comment about the third item -->
     <!-- 3rd item also has an additional comment line -->
     <item name="itemName3">I3</item>

     <!-- this is a comment about the fourth item -->
     <item name="itemName4">I4</item>

In particular I would like to be able to  process one item at a time as
is customarily done with <xsl:apply-templates select="/dataItems/item" />

What I don't understand how to do is associate the comments with the appropriate data items. For instance, how would I process this data to convert the comments into attributes as follows:

<item name="itemName1" comment="this is a comment about the first item">I1</item>

<item name="itemName2" comment="this is a comment about the second item. this is a follow on comment for 2nd item">I2</item>

<item name="itemName3" comment="this is a comment about the third item. 3rd item also has an additional comment line">I3</item>

<item name="itemName4" comment="this is a comment about the fourth item">I4</item>

Or how would I select the item whose name is "itemName3" along with it's comments? i.e call <xsl:apply-templates select="/dataItems/item/[(_at_)name = 'itemName3']" /> and within the item template grab the comments
     <!-- this is a comment about the third item -->
     <!-- 3rd item also has an additional comment line -->


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