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Re: Schema-aware processors - W3C schemas only?

2004-03-01 07:13:41
Michael Kay wrote:
# # Of course, unless _someone_ other than Michael Kay. steps up and
# implements XSLT2, there may never be an XSLT2 at all, I think it would
# be hard to get out of CR if all but one XSLT implementor boycots XSLT2
# and stays at XSLT1.
I'm reasonably confident, reading between the lines, that two or three other
implementations are in progress. But don't expect people to announce
products until the specs get to CR: no-one wants to be in the WD-xsl
position of having to support a draft that turned out not to be as final as
they thought it would be.

Let me second this.  As Chairman of the OASIS XSLT Conformance Committee (no, 
not the W3C WG), I know of at least 4 implementations in progress, in addition 
to Saxon.  When the Final Draft becomes final, expect lots of product 

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