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RE: Grouping problem - Duplicates

2004-04-30 10:39:37

Unless I am misunderstanding something of your requirements, I think that your
problem is easier than you are making it.  It does look like a typical grouping
problem, but I don't think you need to use the complicated techniques that you
are trying to learn to use.

Here is a copy of my XML file called Company.xml:

                         <North>Supp 1 Nor</North>
                         <South>Supp 1 Sou</South>
                         <Center>Supp 1 Cntr</Center>
                         <North>Supp 2 Nor</North>
                         <North>Supp 3 Nor</North>
                         <South>Supp 2 Sou</South>
                         <South>Supp 3 Sou</South>
                         <Center>Supp 2 Cntr</Center>
                         <Center>Supp 3 Cntr</Center>
                         <North>Smith Suppliers LTD.</North>
                         <South>Smith Suppliers LTD.</South>
                         <Center>Sundance suppliers Cntr</Center>
                                         <LastName>lName Supp 1</LastName>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 1 Nor</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 1 Sou</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 1 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 2 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 3 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Smith Suppliers LTD.</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Smith Suppliers LTD.</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Sundance suppliers Cntr</Supplier>
                                         <LastName>lName Supp 2</LastName>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 2 Nor</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 2 Sou</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 2 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 1 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 2 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Supp 3 Cntr</Supplier>
                                 <Supplier>Smith Suppliers LTD.</Supplier>



I would like to see the following output:

Sales People by Areas

Dave lName Samuel
John lName Supp 1
Kathy lName Supp 2
Dan lName Supp 3


John lName Supp 1
Kathy lName Supp 2
George lName Apprentice
Dave lName Samuel
Dan lName Supp 3


John lName Supp 1
Kathy lName Supp 2
Dave lName Samuel
Dan lName Supp 3

One potential solution is to start at the child nodes of Area and apply
templates to any Salesperson who fits the criteria of having the particular
entry listed in their suppliers list.  So, starting with the template matching

<xsl:template match="Area">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="../SalesPeople/SalesPerson[Supplier
= current()/Center]" />

This will apply templates to any SalesPerson who matches the criteria where they
have one supplier whose text value is equal to one node named Center's text
value.  The power of the equality operator on node sets is that it will return
true if it is true for any Supplier and any other Center elements.

This can certainly be made more generic if you have more than just three defined
Area's but I recommend not making overly complicated and generic unless you need
it.  If you are unable to work out to group on the Area child nodes and make it
more generic, post again and I or someone else can help figure out that part of

Here is the full stylesheet (the HTML is certainly different than will want, but
this should get you started with the XSLT logic):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="no" indent="yes"

<xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="Company"/>

<xsl:template match="Company">
                <h1>Sales People by Areas</h1>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="Suppliers/Area" />

<xsl:template match="Area">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="../SalesPeople/SalesPerson[Supplier
= current()/Center]" />

                <xsl:apply-templates select="../SalesPeople/SalesPerson[Supplier
= current()/North]" />

                <xsl:apply-templates select="../SalesPeople/SalesPerson[Supplier
= current()/South]" />

<xsl:template match="SalesPerson">
                <xsl:value-of select="Name/FirstName" />
                <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                <xsl:value-of select="Name/LastName" />


Hope this helps.


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