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RE: How to see the output of XSL in IE6 for debuging?

2004-04-29 06:05:08
When you install the xml tools package for IE as others here have
suggested (which I highly recommend) you get a couple html files, one of
which looks like this:

<TITLE>XSL Transformation Ouput</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="javascript" defer=true>
var win = external.menuArguments;
var doc = win.document;
var xmldoc = doc.XMLDocument;
var xsldoc = doc.XSLDocument;
if (!xmldoc)
    win.alert("Not XML Document.");
   try {
      var srcwin =
      srcwin.document.write("<html><title>XSL Transformation
Ouput</title><body style=\"font:x-small 'Verdana';\"><nobr
      srcwin.document.body.all("x").innerText = xmldoc.transformNode(
   } catch (e) {
      alert( "Error in 'View XSL Transform': "+e.description);      

So as you can see here the View XSL Output tool simply uses
doc.XMLDocument and doc.XSLDocument and outputs the results of
doc.XMLDocument.transformNode(doc.XSLDocument) to a new window.  If your
output something other than HTML you'll have to View Source on the new
window to see the actual output from the transformation.

John Hansen