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Re: XML to Table

2004-04-20 01:54:49
thanks!!! Both suggestions have been very useful to me, but now I have two xsl that make the transform quickly:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
        <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
        <xsl:template match="BASE/ROWSET">
                                <xsl:for-each select="ROW">
                                                <xsl:variable name="row" 
<xsl:attribute name="num"><xsl:value-of select="$row"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="//DETALLE"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
        <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>

        <xsl:template match="/BASE">
                                <xsl:apply-templates select="ROWSET/ROW"/>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="//DETALLE"/>

        <xsl:template match="ROW">
<xsl:attribute name="num"><xsl:value-of select="current()/@num"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="../../DETALLE">
                                <xsl:with-param name="prow" 

        <xsl:template match="DETALLE">
                <xsl:param name="prow" select="0"/>
                <xsl:for-each select="CAMPO">
                        <xsl:element name="{current()/@nom}">
<xsl:value-of select="/BASE/ROWSET/ROW[(_at_)num = $prow]/*[name()=current()/@nom]"/>


What is better, with or without templates?


I have a xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <ROW num="1">
                        <LITVERSION>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</LITVERSION>
                        <COLOR>Gris Orageux</COLOR>
                        <!-- ... almost 40 fields, sometimes some of them are 
absent -->
                <ROW num="2">... <!-- variable num of rows -->
        <DETALLE> <!-- To specify the fields to visualizing -->
                <CAMPO nom="LITVERSION" class="a" orden="1" check="1"/>
                <CAMPO nom="NOVIN8" class="b" orden="2" enlace="doAccion"  
                <CAMPO nom="COLOR" class="c" orden="3"/>
                <CAMPO nom="TAPIZADO" class="a" orden="4"/>
                <CAMPO nom="OPCIONES" class="b" orden="5"/>

With one of the previos xsl i get the next xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <ROW num="1">
                        <LITVERSION>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</LITVERSION>
                        <COLOR>Gris Orageux</COLOR>
                <ROW num="2">
                        <LITVERSION>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</LITVERSION>
                        <COLOR>Azul Lucia</COLOR>
                <ROW num="3">
                        <LITVERSION>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</LITVERSION>
                        <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... -->
        <DETALLE> <!-- To specify the fields to visualizing -->
                <CAMPO nom="LITVERSION" class="a" orden="1" check="1"/>
                <CAMPO nom="NOVIN8" class="b" orden="2" enlace="doAccion"  
                <CAMPO nom="COLOR" class="c" orden="3"/>
                <CAMPO nom="TAPIZADO" class="a" orden="4"/>
                <CAMPO nom="OPCIONES" class="b" orden="5"/>

Now i have another xsl to obtain the table:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
        <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
        <xsl:variable name="c"><xsl:text>'</xsl:text></xsl:variable>

        <xsl:template match="/BASE">
                <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
.a { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFAA; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; } .b { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFDA; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; } .c { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFAACC; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; }
                <table border="1">
                        <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET/ROW">
                                        <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of 
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"><xsl:with-param name="row" select="@num"/></xsl:apply-templates>

        <xsl:template match="ROW/*">
                <xsl:param name="row" select="0"/>
                <xsl:variable name="nombre" select="name()"/>
                <xsl:variable name="valor" select="."/>
                <xsl:variable name="campo" 
<xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="$campo/@class"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:if test="$campo/@check and $valor!='' ">
                                <input type="checkbox">
<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="concat($nombre, $row)"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:variable name="enlace" select="$campo/@enlace"/>
                        <xsl:if test="$enlace and $valor!='' ">
                                        <xsl:attribute name="href">
                                        <xsl:value-of select="$valor"/>
                        <xsl:if test="not ($enlace)">
                                <xsl:value-of select="$valor"/>


and the result xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
.a { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFAA; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; } .b { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFDA; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; } .c { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFAACC; BORDER: #dddddd 1pt solid; FONT-SIZE: .785em; TEXT-ALIGN: right; }
<table border="1">
        <tr id="1">
<td class="a"><input type="checkbox" name="LITVERSION1"/>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</td>
                <td class="b">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="NOVIN81"/>
                        <a href="doAccion('26961143')">26961143</a>
                <td class="c">Gris Orageux</td>
                <td class="a">Z6FT</td>
                <td class="b">MZ02</td>
        <tr id="2">
<td class="a"><input type="checkbox" name="LITVERSION2"/>14 Hdi 70 Cv Magic</td>
                <td class="b">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="NOVIN82"/>
                        <a href="doAccion('26987553')">26987553</a>
                <td class="c">Azul Lucia</td>
                <td class="a">Z6FT</td>
                <td class="b">MZ02</td>
        <!-- ... -->

It would be better to use 'template name' for each case? (one for 'checks', another for 'links'...) I have tried to do it but it seemed to me that the code was complicated very much, probably I have complicated something that surely is very simple.

Thanks again.

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