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RE: xslt 2.0 challenge

2004-04-13 01:01:38

Thanks Jeni,

This is the fastest solution so far (in my non-scientific tests), and
gives me plenty of new things to learn :)


Hi Andrew,

The steps involved are:

1.  Find the corresponding start and end <colspecs> based 
on @namest and
2.  Sum the @colwidth values for the <colspecs> between 
(and including)
the columns found in step1
3.  Divide that value by the sum of all colwidths for that group
(siblings) and add on a % symbol

Here's another XSLT 2.0 solution. This one uses a function to do the
summing of column widths, and <xsl:for-each> rather than a for
expression (pah!). I use the new >> operator to identify the colspecs
between two others. I also take advantage of the XSLT 1.0
format-number() facility of including a % in the format pattern in
order to get a number formatted as a percentage.

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

<xsl:function name="my:sum-widths" as="xs:integer">
  <xsl:param name="colspecs" as="element()+" />
  <xsl:variable name="widths" as="xs:integer+">
    <xsl:for-each select="$colspecs">
      <xsl:sequence select="xs:integer(translate(@colwidth, 
'm', ''))" />
  <xsl:sequence select="sum($widths)" />

<xsl:template match="spanspec">
  <xsl:variable name="all-colspecs" as="element()+"
    select="ancestor::table//colspec" />
  <xsl:variable name="first-colspec" as="element()"
    select="$all-colspecs[(_at_)colname = current()/@namest]" />
  <xsl:variable name="last-colspec" as="element()"
    select="$all-colspecs[(_at_)colname = current()/@nameend]" />
  <xsl:variable name="sibling-colspecs" as="element()+"
    select="$first-colspec/../colspec" />
  <xsl:variable name="span-colspecs" as="element()+"
    select="$first-colspec |
            $sibling-colspecs[$last-colspec >> . and . >> 
$first-colspec] |
            $last-colspec" />
select="format-number(my:sum-widths($span-colspecs) div
                                      '#0.00%')" />


Not all the variable declarations are necessary of course, though
declaring the types of the variables helped me debug the code. The
element node tests would be "element(colspec, *)" rather than just
"element()", but I wanted a solution that worked in Saxon 7.



Jeni Tennison

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