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Using output URI resolver within a servlet

2004-04-12 04:40:15

I am trying to change the SaxonServlet so that it can handle a stylesheet
creating multiple output documents using xsl:result-document.  I am using
Saxon7-9-1 running on Windows2000, using tomcat 4.1 as servlet container.

My goal is to return the main output directly to the browser via
The main output includes several iframes, which refer to HTML files written
as secondary output documents during the XSL transformation.

Currently, all output from the transformation (including
xsl:result-document) is returned to the browser and no files are generated
on the server.

As far as I understand the problem has something to do with the URI
resolver/systemId of the output stream.

I have tried to set the systemId on the result object, and am currently
trying to get the servlet to work using the UserOutputResolver from the Trax
examples, without much luck ;)

The href in xsl:result-document contains an absolute URI on the form:

Has anyone tried this before with success?

Many thanks for your help in advance!
Anita Lund

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