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list spacing between label and text in html

2004-04-08 11:23:06
Is there a way to get more space between my seqlist numbers and the
text? Currently there is no space between the number and the text. Like
so in the html.
   1Seqlist in a para.
   1.1Do not smoke or use open flame near batteries.
   1.2Batteries may explode from spark.

Here is my xslt: 

<xsl:template match="seqlist">
    <xsl:when test="parent::para">
    <ol style="list-style: none;">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="title" mode="list"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="item" mode="para"/>

<xsl:template match="item" mode="para">
<xsl:if test="parent::seqlist">
        <xsl:when test="count(../following-sibling::seqlist) mod 2 = 1">
            <b><xsl:number count="item" format="1"/></b><!-- this
numbers 123 -->
        <xsl:when test="count(../preceding-sibling::seqlist) mod 2 = 1">
            <xsl:for-each select="../preceding-sibling::seqlist">
select="count(item)"/>.<xsl:text/></b><!-- this numbers 1.1 -->
            <xsl:number count="item"/>
       <xsl:when test="not(preceding-sibling::seqlist or
following-sibling::seqlist or parent::randlist)">
            <b><xsl:number count="item" format="1"/></b>
<xsl:if test="parent::randlist">
            <xsl:when test="count(../preceding-sibling::randlist) mod 2
= 1">
                <b><fo:character character="&#8226;"/></b> <!-- this is
a bullet -->
                <b><fo:character character="&#x2013;"/></b> <!-- this is
a endash -->

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