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RE: Retaining XML output

2004-04-07 05:59:56
My XML looks like
     <y y1="somexml"><![CDATA[<queries><abc>123</abc></queries>]]></y>

and my xsl snippet is
    <xsl:value-of select="y[(_at_)y1='somexml']"/>

Now, when I run it through a transformation, I get an output 
without the

I would like to retain the markup in the output

There is no markup in your CDATA section. That's what CDATA sections are
for: to tell the system that although it looks like markup, it isn't markup,
it is ordinary data. If you want it treated as markup, don't put it in a
CDATA section.

On the other hand, lots of people abuse CDATA in this way, and
disable-output-escaping can rescue you in these situations.

Michael Kay

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