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RE: Dynamically creating XPath expressions Help required

2004-04-02 00:44:08
The value of your variable is a string starting with the characters "../",
this string will never be equal to 1. You've missed out the crucial stage of
telling the system to treat the string as an XPath expression and evaluate
it. For this you need the xx:evaluate() extension function available in some
processors such as Saxon and Xalan.

Michael Kay 

-----Original Message-----
From: cheburashka(_at_)xtra(_dot_)co(_dot_)nz 
Sent: 02 April 2004 02:15
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] Dynamically creating XPath expressions Help required 

Hi my name is adam, I got your email address from the google 
search. I hpoe you do not mind me contacting you directly.But 
I need help with some xslt.

I am constructing a table, Each GridBody0 - GridBody n
node set represents a single row of the table.Each Gridbody 
tag included a number of Col0 - Col n tags
these represent each cell of the row.

The problem is that each cell that is rendered must be 
conditionally formatted.Tags that need to be formatted are
include within the gridcolors section of the xml document.


 The idea is to use a for-each loop to go through each
 set of gridbody tags to render them. As I do this I
want to construct a path query to determine if the current 
cell is turned green 

 <Grid0Row0Col3LimeGreen> if this exist then green. 

The question is how


<xsl:for-each select="Reports/GridBody0">

     <xsl:if test="Col3 != ''" > 
      <xsl:variable name="rowNo" 
             <!--If this element exist and we have to render green-->
                   <xsl:when test="$rowNo = 1" >-->
                      <td align="right" width="60"  
bordercolor="DarkGray" border="1" bgcolor="LimeGreen">
                         <font style='FONT-WEIGHT: 
normal;Font-Size:XX-Small; COLOR: Black; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana'>      



    <MemberUniqueName>[Product].[All Products].[Consumer  
    <MemberCaption>Consumer Electronics</MemberCaption>
    <MemberUniqueName>[Product].[All Products].[Domestic 
    <MemberCaption>Domestic Whiteware</MemberCaption>

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none"%>


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