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RE: error using number()

2004-05-14 12:36:08
I am getting this error.

When I run my stylesheet with SAXON instant 6.5.3, everything runs
fine without errors. But my friend ran the same stylesheet with his
SAXON 7 and received this error (below).

Is there some reason why the error only comes up with the SAXON 7?

Rather than 

number(substring(A,B,C) - 1000)

you need to write

number(substring(A,B,C)) - 1000

Generally, XPath 2.0 is stricter about type checking than 1.0 (though if you
specify version="1.0" in the xsl:stylesheet element then most things revert
to the 1.0 rules). If you want to use a string as an arithmetic operand, you
now have to convert it to a number explicitly. This change allows operators
to be overloaded to do different things with different data types.

Michael Kay

Mike Ferrando
Washington, DC

Error returned:

bash-2.05b$  java -jar c:/saxon79/saxon7.jar -o ead.html
fa_2002_8859_1_x.xml c:/my_ead_2002_conv/ead_2002_HTML_conv-1.xsl 
Error at variable st_p-sb on line 2280 of
  Unsuitable operands for arithmetic operation (xs:string,
Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported


      <xsl:variable name="st_p-sb" 
string-length($physdesc_b) -9, 4) - 1000)"/>

--- B Tommie Usdin <btusdin(_at_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:
My goodness - such a lot of blood from such a small cut!

This announcement seems to have done something remarkable: at least
for a moment in one forum it seems to have erased all concerns
about XSLT 2.0 and rallied EVERYONE to it's defense.

How odd: until we saw this I heard quite a few concerns about
XSLT 2.0 and have had several conversations with developers I
respect who said that they were thinking of sticking with
XSLT 1.0 because the gains in 2.0 (for their applications) were
not worth the losses.  Now all of a sudden non-adoption of
XSLT 2.0 is "killing xslt".

Perhaps the folks at Microsoft were concerned that they would be
criticized for adopting a controversial spec like XSLT 2.0 so they
decided to rally support for it by announcing that they were not
going to support it. Then they could change their minds and be
heros instead of goats. ... Nahhhh. But it sounds good.

-- Tommie

B. Tommie Usdin                       
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.               
17 West Jefferson Street                           Phone:
Suite 207                                    Direct Line:
Rockville, MD  20850                                 Fax:

   Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in  XML and


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