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RE: Concatenating multiple input documents into a single node-set

2004-05-13 00:58:25

<xsl:template match="rng:include">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="document(@href)" />

This should include the content of each include, in document 
order.  BUT... if 
I do this, it looks like I'll get the <include> element in my 
output in 
addition to the content of the included document, e.g.: 

<include href="whatever.rng">
  ... content from included document

How would you suggest I avoid generating the enclosing 
<include> element?  Is 
there a better way to do this?

If you don't want to copy the rng:include, just leave out the xsl:copy
instruction that copies it. Things are sometimes simpler than you think.

Michael Kay