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RE: count the number of descending nodes

2004-05-06 07:07:40

i have one xml as this:

i want to see if above of the no node there is one or more 
nodes with the
name my.
i make this:
<xsl:for-each select="/root/no">
<xsl:when test="'count(my) =1'">ok</xsl:when>

but it doesn't print well.

What do you mean "print well"? The output is not pretty, or that the results 
are wrong?

how can i known if there is one or more nodes child with the mane my?

You can either test it like you do, count the nodes. The more common way is to 
just try to select the nodes, i.e.

  <xsl:when test="my">ok</xsl:when>


Jarno - Chris C: Plymouth <http://www.hardnrg.com/mixes/chrisc.php>

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