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RE: Inserting White Space (  ) through XSL.

2004-05-03 04:07:45

As I have already, l had tried " ". But it was not working. 
BEcause that iserts white space in the output text. and all 
browser are intelligent enough to remove the border incase 
there is no text found in TD element.

FYI, stuff that worked for me is:
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
And this inserts &nbsp; in the output. 

If there is a difference in the way the browser displays a
non-breaking-space versus the way it displays the HTML entity reference & n
b s p ; then there is something badly broken in your system, and you should
find out what it is rather than circumventing the problem at the XSLT level.

Michael Kay

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