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Re: detecting a colon (':') within a para

2004-06-29 14:23:48

XPath has no function ends-with() to complement its starts-with() function, but it does have a substring() function that can be used for this. It takes three arguments: a string, an offset and a length. If you set the offset to the length of the string, and the length to 1, you get the last character.

So you might have:

<xsl:template match="para">
    <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
  <xsl:if test="substring(.,string-length(.),1) = ':'">
    <xsl:processing-instruction name="keep-together"/>

etc. Note nothing is being done here to normalize for errant whitespace; the normalize-space() function will help if you have to account for that.


At 11:18 AM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
Is there anyway to find the following scenario:

<para>The following items you really need to

I'd like to be able to find all para's that have a
colon as their last character and insert a processing
instruction to tell the output-formatter not to allow
a page break.  I use processing instructions in many
other scenarios, but I've never had to look an
elements actual content.  Any suggestions would be

Wendell Piez                            
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                http://www.mulberrytech.com
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  Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in SGML and XML

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