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format number with changeable currency symbol

2004-06-18 01:32:33
I would like to format a number so that it can be shown with any type of
currency symbol in front of it.  Currently I am using eg. <xsl:value-of
select="format-number(12345, '?###,###,##0.00')"/> but this only formats the
number with a ?.

Also I have tried putting a currency symbol element in the xml and including
that in the xsl to be inserted before the number.  The trouble with this
method is that if the figure is a negative number the minus sign is inserted
after the currency symbol which is no good.  Is there a way that the
format-number function can be used with a currency symbol element from the
xml so that the currency symbol can be changed in the xml?  Or is there any
other way to solve this?

Thanks for your help.

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