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RE: Using <xsl:number>

2004-06-08 23:35:03

What I want to do is add a sort-order property to each
Scope tag, which identifies its relative position at
each level of the heirarchy among its peers only. 
That is to say, the sort-order tag should be added
like this:

      <Scope id="1" sort-order="1">
              <Scope id="2" sort-order="1"/>
              <Scope id="3" sort-order="2"/>
      <Scope id="4" sort-order="2">
              <Scope id="5" sort-order="1">
                      <Scope id="6" sort-order="1"/>
                      <Scope id="7" sort-order="2"/>
              <Scope id="8" sort-order="2">
                      <Scope id="9" sort-order="1">
                              <Scope id="10" sort-order="1"/>
                              <Scope id="11" sort-order="2"/>
                      <Scope id="12" sort-order="2"/>
      <Scope id="13" sort-order="3"/>

  <xsl:template match="Scope">
      <xsl:attribute name="sort-order">
        <xsl:number />
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
  <xsl:template match="@* | node()">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>

If you want to specify the attributes in xsl:number, they're

  <xsl:number level="single" count="Scope" from="Scope"/>


Jarno - Velvet Acid Christ: The Dead (Alive mix by Funker Vogt))

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