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RE: Use of global variable and parameter

2004-06-03 21:54:36

      <xsl:variable name="forcountry" select="GB"/>
      <xsl:include href="secondxsl.xsl"/>
<xsl:if test="metadata[countryname=$forcountry]">
But, it seems that the value of forcountry is blank within 

Are you sure it's not an empty string in the first stylesheet too? Just a 
quess, but you're trying to bind the $forcountry to a node-set of nodes with 
the name "GB" and and as your variable is a top-level element, the root element 
of your source tree should then be "GB". If you want to bind the $forcountry to 
a string "BG", use 

  <xsl:variable name="forcountry" select="'GB'"/>

Hopefully I didn't answer a wrong question again,


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