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Re: How to make a loop ?

2004-07-28 04:05:24
Hi Alain,
you can do something like this:

<xsl:variable name="n-rows" select="5"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:call-template name="td-recursive"/>

<xsl:template name="td-recursive">
  <xsl:param name="index" select="1"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="info[$index]"/>
  <xsl:if test="$index &lt; $n-rows">
    <xsl:call-template name="td-recursive">
      <xsl:with-param name="index" select="$index + 1"/>

Anton Triest

<quote from="Alain ROY">
  > Hi all,
  > I want to make a table which may contain always the same number of rows 
(actually 5 but this can change later).
  > I want to fill this table with nodes values (let's say "info" for example). 
If there are less "info" nodes than the number of
  > I chose for my table, I want to complete it with empty rows. If there are 
more "info" nodes than the number of rows of my table,
  > want to fill the table with only the n firsts info nodes values (n=number 
of rows of my table).
  > To fill my table I made a template for the rows. So I'd like to make a loop 
which will always call this template n times with a
  > parameter info[x] x=1..n
  > What's the best way to do that ?
  > Regards
  > AR

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