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RE: Using XPath in an xsl:param?

2004-07-19 00:52:30

I need to be able to dynamically pass in the artist names to 
use in the
match="cd[$test]" template.  The first question is that the 
select statement
in the global param declaration seems to be interpreting the 
XPath statement
rather than treating it as a literal string.  It ends up 
being evaluated as
a boolean.  Is there any way to prevent this from happening 
and keep it as a
string value? 

Yes, you could put it in quotes. To evaluate it as an XPath expression, you
would then need to use an xx:evaluate() extension function, which not all
processors support.

In addition, I get an error telling me that 
match="cd[$test]"> does not support variables within the 
expression.  I'm
not sure if this is due to the interpretation of $test.

This is a restriction in XSLT 1.0, lifted in 2.0. You can get round it in
1.0 by moving the condition from the predicate of the match pattern to an
xsl:choose inside the template rule. But remember that you need to test not
the string value of the parameter, but the result of interpreting the string
value as an XPath expression, for which you need xx:evaluate.

Is there any way to get around these issues?  Essentially I'm 
looking for a
way to pass in a dynamic array of variables and create the match=""
statement dynamically.  Is this possible by passing the 
values I need in as
a delimited string like <xsl:param name="test" select="Bob Dylan|Tina
Turner"/> and then splitting up the result?

You mean select="'Bob Dylan|Tina Turner'"/>

Yes, you can do that. In 2.0 it's easy, you can write

<xsl:if test="artist = tokenize($artist-list, '|')"

In fact, you could make the parameter a list of strings, and then you
wouldn't need to tokenize it:

<xsl:param ... select="'Bob Dylan', 'Tina Turner'"/>

In 1.0 it's more difficult, you will either need to use an extension
function to do the tokenizing (e.g. dyn:tokenize() in EXSLT) or to write a
recursive template of your own.

Michael Kay

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